Register an account

At Sportlyzer, you only need one single account, which can be used for athletes, coaches and managers. Even, if you are planning on having multiple roles or multiple clubs, you only need one account to manage all of them.

In this article you will learn:


Register a new account

Creating an account is easy and only takes a few minutes. You need to choose a role, enter your name, email address and create a password - after that, you can try Sportlyzer out for free for 15 days. 


Choose the right starting role

After you have registered your account, you are asked to choose a role. You can choose between being an athlete, coach or club manager. 


If you have problems with choosing a role or you would like to choose multiple roles - don't worry, choosing a role during the registration doesn't change the availability of any features when you start using Sportlyzer. The benefit of choosing the right role is that Sportlyzer will make learning the software easier for you and provide the right materials for your role. 

Managers and coaches

After choosing the role, all you need to do is to enter your name and email address & create a password.


Athletes and parents

Athletes and parent don't need to create an account - the club will do that for them. All parents and athletes need to do is to download the correct app (Parent on Player App on Google Play or App Store), enter their email address and validate themselves through email. 


Where to go from here?

What to do after registering an account really depends on what you are looking for and your role (the one, you want to use - not necessarily the one you chose).


Read more about manager role from here.


Read more about coach role from here.

Athletes and parents 

Read more about player and parent roles from here.

Read more about accessing Player and Parent apps here.