How can players access their schedules & mark availability from computer?

Not all players own a phone - and that is absolutely okay. At Sportlyzer, players have several options for accessing their schedules, marking availability & more.
This introduces following possibilities:
Calendar link
Availability link
iCal Calendar
Weekly schedules
Calendar widget
Diary Access for advanced athletes

1. Share Calendar linksblobid1.png

The first option to share training schedules with players is sharing links. Each player has a personal calendar link that can be bookmarked for easy access.

To share the Calendar link, choose one of the following ways: 
1. Go to Players - Click on 'More actions' icon - Choose 'Share calendar'. 
2. Go to Calendar click on "Share" in the upper right corner.
You can read more about sharing calendar links from here.

2. Share Availability links 

In addition to calendar, you can also share availability links - that way, players will always be able to let you know if they're planning to take part of a workout & also leave comments. Coach or manager has to send the links only once to athletes and their parents. Every time they visit this link, they will be able to see their upcoming schedule and mark if they are coming to the event or not. This information is automatically sent to the coaches, who can check this information online or using the Coach Diary mobile app for Android and iOS. 

To share availability links, follow next steps:

1. Go to calendar - Availability

2. From upper right corner, find 'Share links' button and click on it


3. Choose the group you wish to send links to


4. Send links to all members of chosen group or only a few 

5. After that, the players will receive an email with instructions & will be able to start marking their availability. 

3. Share iCal calendar

You can share iCal calendars with parents and players that they can subscribe to from their preferred calendar application. Read more about this functionality from here.

4. Send weekly schedules

You can send automatically out weekly schedules to your club's members. In addition to keeping an eye on their schedule, players can also mark availability & leave availability comments to their coach(es) from their weekly schedule.

To turn on automatic weekly schedules, go to Preferences - Calendar automation. Then scroll to 'Send out weekly training plans', mark whether you want to send the schedules to all or only advanced players, choose whether you wish to send the schedules out on Sunday or on Monday & click on Save. 
Athletes will receive an email with their training plan once a week - so make sure that you've added your players' email addresses before you start sending them out. 

5. Add your club's calendar to your website

You can get an iframe link for your club's training schedule widget from Sportlyzer to share the calendar with everyone visiting your website.

Here's how the large calendar widget looks like:


 Read more about calendar widgets from here.

6. Give your players access to their diaries (NB: not recommended for youth clubs)

The last possibility for players to access their information from computer is  to give them advanced access: this means that they will be able to create an account and use it for accessing their training diaries. Read more about advanced player role here.

To give players advanced access, follow next steps:

1. Go to Players 

2. Mark all players you wish to send access to 

3. From the upper section of the page, find 'More' button & select 'Invite players/ parents to use Sportlyzer'


4. Send diary access



After that, players will receive an email with instructions and a link for setting up their account. 

Please note that this possibility is not  the best for youth clubs and is most suitable for advanced athletes who need to have a lot of control over their training plans.